
God truley is good all the time

 Hello everyone, today I would like to give you some exciting news. My 1st book The Unfinished vol 1 has been picked up by A movie studio. What does that mean you may ask? Well it means it is in the process to be made into a movie. I am working with them on the screenplay. To make sure they stay as true to the book as possible. I will post more as this continues to keep all of you updated. Lastly I want to say that God gets all my praise and thanks for this to happen because this is truly by his hand. Thank you all and God Bless. 

I pray no one has to go through this.

 Hello everyone, I know it has been a few months since I have posted anything. In the past 2 months. My beloved Diana and have suffered great losses. 2 of our grand children suddenly passed away. I hope no one ever has to go through this great pain of loss like this. We are devastated by this.  While dealing with all this I will not be writing the 5th book in The Unfinished book series for awhile. I have to get my head back into it to complete it. I thank you all for your patience and understanding. God Bless. 

God works in mysterious ways

 When I wrote my first book I always thought that it would make a good movie or TV show. I prayed about it for a long time. Out of the blue a literary agent contacted me about turning my second book into a movie. This is awesome and God is good. Thank you all that visits my blog and support me. God Bless

If this offends you

 I have heard enough. All this trans gender crap and stupid rainbow flag hanging in the White House.This stuff has my blood boiling. The church is silent on this stuff. There was a time when the church spoke out on things like this. When the church spoke out the world listened. Now days the church is to worried about not offending and losing their 501c3 status.  Since the church won’t speak out there are plenty of Americans that will. So now I will say what I have to about this. If this offends you and I loose readers because of this it is what it is. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Here we go.  In the beginning God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. When you’re born you have a penis then guess what you’re a male. And guess what if you’re born without a penis you’re a female. Basic biology from the beginning of time. There should not be any confusion about this it is so basic. You were born perfect in God’s image. You are slapping God in the face when you try to be something

This book is going well

 Hello everyone I have been working on volume 5 of The Unfinished book series. The title is Darkness Rises. It is a very dark toned book. It is a fight for one’s soul. I do believe it will be the best book yet. So please stay tuned for further updates. Thank you all for your support. God Bless

Today is the day

 Hello everyone today is the day that has been long coming. The release of Trigeminal is here. It is now available on Amazon in ebook paperback and hardcover. Audiobook will be available in a couple weeks. Thank you all for your support and patience

Few things left

 Hello everyone today I am stopping by to let you all know. I have finished writing the outline for Trigeminal. I have a few tweaks and thing to add in left to do. After that it goes to my proofreader then editing. So I am hoping to have it done and released this winter.  I am getting ready for Christmas now. Work is starting to slow down because we are coming into winter. The Unfinished Trilogy is available still. So spread the word  Thank you all for your support. Merry Christmas