
Showing posts from March, 2018

Human trafficking

Human trafficking is a growing problem in the world. It is nothing more than modern day slavery. These  people are in life and death situations. They are manipulated into thinking this is the only to survive. Some people are kidnapped some are lied to about being in these situations. They are bought and sold like a piece of merchandise. Please learn the signs of people that are in distress. If you find someone in this situation call the police. This is more than just a problem this is an epidemic spreading across the globe.

Starting vol 3

Hello every one. I know I’ve bee kind of quiet these past few weeks. I have been thinking a lot on this next installment of The Unfinished book series. I have it now all worked out in how this book will be. I will as I always do stay true to the story. There will be plenty of twists and turns. There will be slot of suspense and mystery. There will be big shockers and a very strong message. I will start writing this weekend. Thank you all for your support.