Recent Interview I did for The Unfinished book series

  1. Question- How did you develop the persona for Dean Jacobs? Is he like you in any way?
Answer- Dean and I are very similar in a lot of aspects. He is a solitary man like me. He does not speak with lengthy conversations. I do not do that either. He does take control of situations in his life like I do also. Dean has developed like I have. Things I have had happened that has softened my heart I hope you see that Dean’s heart has softened also. 

Question- In the third book “The Awakening” will Mariska continue to play a big role in the adventures of Dean?
Answer- Mariska is very important person to Dean. She does grow into her own in The Awakening. She finds her true calling in this book. 

Question- In “The Awakening” are we going to learn more about Dean’s past, prior to the cold war, like more about his childhood and his parents?
Answer- Dean does visit his past in The Awakening. There are aspects of his parents that come to light. There love for him that has given Dean comfort through the years are shown in this spectacular book. 

Question- We were hit with a huge surprise in “The Unfinished vol 1 with the character Viktor Karlagina. Also in The Unfinished vol 2 The Finishing with a surprise appearance of someone. Will we see any shocking twists and turns in “The Awakening?”
Answer- I hope everyone will be satisfied with all the twists and turns in this fabulous book. Oh yes there is always surprises in Dean’s life. Jonathan answers with a big smile.

Question- Are we going to meet any new significant people in the third installment?
Answer- Yes absolutely, there are a few people that you meet in this book. That I hope will be etched in your mind forever. 

Question- What inspired you to write the Unfinished series?
Answer- The idea came from the news about red lite cameras. God inspired me to write this whole book series. 

Question- Can we expect to see a fourth book, or will The Unfinished remain a trilogy?
Answer- To be honest, I originally planned on the trilogy. But again the title of the third book is not “The Finished”. I leave this decision up to my readers If they want another book. 

Question- What advice do you have for aspiring authors who wish to pursue publication of their own stories/novels?
Answer- First don’t give up keep writing. Editing editing editing. Do your homework about publishing companies. There good ones and there are bad ones. I for one am my own publishing company, so I do everything myself. Except for proof readers. I have the best proof readers out there. One of my proof readers revised and edited vol 1 that will be re-released on 7/2.

Question- Why did you decide to focus on human trafficking for this third book? 
Answer- Human trafficking is a growing problem. People think that it happens in foreign countries. In actuality it happens in your town and my town in the USA. This is something that can be stopped with education of recognizing the signs, and education of our children. 

Question- Can you reveal any secrets or tidbits about the third book to give us something to look forward to as we await publication?
Answer- in this book there are 2 story lines going on. The surprise in vol 2 plays into this book. This book is in a darker tone. Here is a secret. In the start of this book Dean is a broken man emotionally. His dark demons come home to roost. Dean seeks out redemption. As he finds out that there is no victory without sacrifice.


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