I as an author

I as an author have always tried to give to my readers, a wide range of reading my books. For instance I print in large print. Why is that you might ask? Well my mother went blind a few years back. With corrective surgery she can see again. So for the vision impaired I print in large print to try to make it easier for them to read an awesome book. I also upload my books on kindle so anyone with an Alexa can hear my books being read to them. I always try to keep the price of the books as low as I can go. I distribute on a global scale so my books can be available anywhere. I always keep things as simple as I can for my readers. I try to keep things as interactive as I can with the character bios on this blog and contests. Since I pay for everything myself my advertising is restricted. That’s ok because I have the best readers in the world spreading the word out there about The Unfinished book series. And I thank you all for your dedication. Keep up the good work. Please let me know what you think about the books. Until next time God Bless


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