New Character bio The dark of Marco

Marco schevnic is emotionally dark. He has no feelings toward anyone that he silences. He only has feelings for one person, and that is loyalty to Dean.

Marco was born with the name of Gary Raymond Hunt. His father died when Gary was at an early age. His father died in Vietnam. His mother died from a broken heart leaving him to fend for himself. He learned early on that he can blend in with his surroundings with ease. Making him the perfect person to go in somewhere and never be seen.

When he was 17 he was recruited by the company to be an assassin. When he met Dean they were brothers instantly. Dean and Marco have always been there for each other even concealing that Marco is alive.

His concealment was done for protection of Marco, Dean, and his parents. Now that Marco is alive will Dean and Marco team back up? That is the real question. Find out the answer in the vol 3 of The Unfinished book series.


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