
In February of 2018 my sister died suddenly. My sister overdosed on heroine. She was 46 years old. She is missed everyday. I blame the medical profession for this. These doctors got her hooked on pain killers. When her insurance ran out she could not get any pills that she was addicted to. So she turned to heroine which is cheap and easy to get. There are so many people that are going through this. This is an epidemic that is taking people everyday. Heroine does not know an age or gender. It just claims lives.

The medical profession should be held accountable for pain killers. They should be outlawed and removed from availability. We all know that this will not happen because the pharmaceutical companies always put money before anything. As long as they make money producing these drugs they will countinue to push the doctors to prescribe these meds.

If you know anyone that is addicted to pain meds or heroine please help them kick it. Give them the support they need. It’s not an easy road to recover. They need prayer and support with love. Don’t give up on them. Thank you for your time 


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