Easter to me

What Easter means to me.
Well let’s think about this. Jesus was arrested in the night. Betrayed by one of his disciples. Brought before the Sanhedrin. He finally proclaimed to be the Son of God. The Sanhedrin brought him before Pilot the Roman Governor of Jerusalem. Pilot did not want anything to do with this so he ordered him to be brought before King Herod. Herod was not amused and told them to get out with Jesus. So they brought him again before Pilot. After a long debate he ordered Jesus to be flogged.
For those of you who don’t know flogging is a severe whipping with leather straps with bone attached at the end of it. Also they used wood like a sapling to whip people in this process. According to prophecy in the book of Isaiah his flesh would be torn to expose bone. After the flogging he was brought back to Pilot and he was condemned to be crucified before sundown because of Passover. By the way Pilot did not want to do this but he was put in a hard spot by the Sanhedrin. After being whipped Jesus was forced to carry his own cross through the streets with a crown of thorns on his head. Being blood soaked and half dead he finally made it to the place of the skull. Better known as gulgatha. Stripping him of his clothes only being covered by what we know today as underware. Only in his tunic he put him self on the cross. They nailed him to it and put a sign above his head that read King of the Jews. So let’s look at this, Jesus was tortured, humiliated, dehydrated, discredited, and betrayed. And he still put himself on the cross. While hanging on the cross in agony he looked and asked God to forgive them for they know not what they do. Then forgave a thief hanging next to him. Then grasping for air he showed that he loved his mother by making sure she was taken care of. Then Jesus  experienced something that he never felt before and this is what I think killed him. The full wrath of God on his soul. We know this because Jesus cried out Father! Why have you forsaken me? He cried that because he felt God pour his wrath upon him for all our sins. I do believe Jesus did not suffocate I believe his Heart Literally broke by taking on the sins of the world. That’s why he said it’s finished.

So what Easter means to me is forgiveness. You think what people have done or said to you is more painful than what Jesus went through for you. The answer is no it’s only the slightest fraction of the pain he went through for your sins. Just think Jesus forgave the world for crucifying him then forgave a thief. So not forgiving some one for their transgressions against you is a choice you are making . I for one don’t want to stand before God and have him say you chose not to forgive this person or that person so I chose to not forgive you.


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