Tell me I can’t do something, I’ll prove you wrong

Hello everyone,
Today I received a phone call from a company that wanted me to sign The Unfinished book series over to them to publicize them.  I have a hard time having to pay for something that I can do myself. Therefore I told them that their services will not be required. Then they proceeded to tell me that I cannot become a bestseller without having representation. I told them that I’ve always done things my own way. It really  upsets me when someone tells me stuff like that. I am asking all of you to help me out in publicizing my books. Exposure is everything in the book world. People will not buy something if they know nothing about it. I want to show them that my fans and my reader are the best in the world. That you all will support me by making the book series one of the best sellers on Amazon. Thank you all for your support God bless.


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